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Friday, January 12, 2024

The Faith We Walk By

 January 13, 2024


2 Corinthians 5:7 (NASB 2020) 7 for we walk by faith, not by sight—

Many people look at these words and think that people of faith act as if their wishes are true simply because they want them to be true. They believe that Christians believe myths told to comfort them like the fairy tales that put us to sleep when we were little.

“Faith is believing something you know ain't true.”- Mark Twain. This quote is that of what the person who has no faith believes of people of faith. Unfortunately, even people of faith believe it is believing something because it feels like you should believe it.

Faith is based on evidence. We have a historical evidence that proves our faith. In every doubt, history has shown that our faith is true. Unbelieving scholars will claim that there is no proof until the proof is discovered. Archeology is one of those means. It was said that there was no evidence of Pontus Pilate until a stone engraved with his name was discovered in Caesarea. Discoveries that prove the age of the New Testament debunks the theories of it being written a hundred years after the events. 

Believers have spiritual encounters with the Holy Spirit who speaks to them in ways that cannot be explained except that He exists. They often say, “The Lord spoke to me,” with confidence because what they “heard” was beyond their ability to know.

I was at a hospital to support the grandparents of a little boy who had an inoperable brain tumor. This little boy was only there for a biopsy. There were a lot of people in the waiting room that I didn’t know. The Lord said to me, “Get these people together to pray right now!” I was so scared that I stood in the corner of the room. I didn’t know these people. I was sure that I was about to make a fool of myself. Less than a minute later, the grandmother of the little boy came directly into the waiting room. She looked around the room and upon seeing me made a beeline straight for me. She got right in my face and said, “I was in the chapel praying and God told me to tell you to get the people together right now and pray.” Now, I was more scared of the grandmother than I was of making a fool of myself and I gathered the people together and we prayed. Maybe an hour and half later the dad came into the room and said, “The doctor said he got it all.” I asked what that meant. The inoperable tumor had been removed. That was over thirty years ago and that little boy (who is no longer a little boy) is still alive today.

Do I live by faith? Absolutely. I do so because I have incredible evidence that God is working.

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