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Friday, April 19, 2024

Not a God of Formulas

 April 20, 2024


"Everything will be okay," the preacher says, "if you will . . . ." It gives you a lot of hope. The dilemma I am in can be averted if I do what the preacher says. So, you do what he says and the dilemma is much worse than you could have imagined.

Being in the will of God is no guarantee that you won't be persecuted or have terrible circumstances. A lady with cancer asked me, "Why do I have cancer?" She was a Christian with no discernable evidence of being outside the will of God. She wanted to know why she wasn't protected from this disease. In other words, isn't cancer intended for the real sinners.

I replied to her, "Why not?" Though she didn't want me to explain my question, the truth is that we are not so good that God must protect us. We don't live by formulas that ensure our safety, riches or esteem. We walk with our God who allows us to sin and to live in this fallen world. This fallen world has cancer, heart attacks, inflation, layoffs and wars. It has murders, stealing, betrayals and lies. The reason that some may be sick may have nothing to do with how good they have been. It may have nothing to do with the fact they are in the middle of God's will. It may have something to do with the testimony of a person who goes through hardships. It should be easy to shine in this fallen world.

God gives us no formulas to live the Christian life. He expects us to walk with Him in humble obedience. He expects us to pledge our allegiance to Him. He expects us to die to self. He will love us regardless.

Our purpose is found in walking with God. Each day is brand new. Each day we make another commitment to walk with Him Each day we should be amazed with what He is doing with us. Each day the wonder should grow.

That doesn't mean that God expects you live without planning. You still go to school, go to work, pay your bills and have your celebrations with planning. Its just that when people live by formulas for their own safety, provision and worth God isn't really necessary anymore. You are just obeying the formula.

So, get up and be amazed. God has a plan for you for this day. It won't be found in a formula.

Psalm 5:3 (NASB 2020) 3 In the morning, Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will present my prayer to You and be on the watch.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Do the Right Thing

 April 19, 2024


Several years ago there was a movie called "Do the Right Thing." Today, people don't know what the right thing is.

If the right thing means that you can do anything you want as long as you don't hurt others, then, you can't do anything you want. You have a responsibility to those around you. You can't speed down the road recklessly without eventually hurting others. You can't drink until your liver is pickled without hurting others. You can't make money and keep it all to yourself without hurting others. Let's face it. Doing whatever you want is going to hurt others.

It doesn't fare any better when what is right is what conventional wisdom says is right. This is exactly the problem of the racism that existed in this country. The majoring of the people were white who disregarded people of other races. Therefore, treating people of color badly was considered the right thing to do. And this goes beyond racism. Riots are a perfect example of this. When the majority of the people around you are destroying and looting, doing what the majority is doing will seem right. Those who are arrested use this as their defense. I was doing what others were doing, I'm just the one who got caught. (Sounds a lot like getting a speeding ticket, huh?) Right or wrong cannot be determined by what others are doing even if they are in the majority.

Some people claim that the way they were raised is a good means of knowing what's right and wrong. That one, at least, is possibly valid. However, was everything you learned as you grew up right? Is it possible that those who raised you had a different standard than what is truly right? Where did they get what was right or wrong? All of these must be considered. Too often, the inherited values were the mores of the society from the past. Thus, they may become more stable than going with the flow of today's rights and wrongs but they are not eternal in what is right and wrong. This method causes the children's children's children to continue to suffer the sins of the past.

No, right and wrong must be established beyond a society. It must go beyond what feels right. It must go beyond not hurting others. It must go beyond what others say it is. It must go beyond the way a person is raised. It stands true when everything and everyone opposes it. It is right and that which opposes it is wrong.

Recently, I observed a vote by politicians. I realized that they don't know what is right or wrong. They are voting by party line rather than convictions of right and wrong. Their right seems to be whatever will get them re-elected. Right is defined as campaign donations and votes from the area they "serve."

Why are we in this place today? People don't know what is right. People are floundering as crime and governmental corruption rages around them. People are hiding in their homes expecting the next political candidate to right things that have turned upside-down. Of course, they are only asking what will be done for them rather than what is truly right.

The Apostle Paul wrote almost two millennia ago:

Romans 1:21 (NASB 2020) 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their reasonings, and their senseless hearts were darkened.

Now, is this what has happened? Are people becoming futile in their reasonings? Are their hearts darkened? I don't know how we can say that this isn't exactly what is going on today. A darkened heart does not know what is right or wrong. It doesn't even know where to find what is right. Reasonings must, therefore, become futile.

The solution to our dilemma is not easy. It will not come because we have elected the "right" politicians to office. It will not change if we solve whatever  society tells us are our greatest threats. It will only come when a society returns to God humbly and thanks Him for what He will do. This comes only when the people of God quit playing games with God and fully commit themselves to Him These people will walk humbly with Him and thank Him continually. This is called revival.

This message is not to those who don't know the Lord. I want everyone to come to know the Lord in a relationship that changes their eternity. However, it will not be because we have tried to clean up our society but because we have been dramatically changed as believers for we have come into an intimate relationship with the Living God.

There are only three things I know to do. One, I must be a person who humbly walks with God. I must be one who does His will completely without question. Two, I must tell others who God is with the hope that they will do more than believe in Him. They must know Him. That only comes from a walk with Him. Three,  I must pray for God's revival. I pray that the Holy Spirit sweeps through this world with power. Yes, the light is still shining in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

Will you join me in this? Will you act to know what is right? I personally believe this is the only hope we have to change a disintegrating society.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Were Those Who Have Left the Faith Ever Truly Christians?

 April 18, 2024


There are many people who preached Christ as Savior at one time that no longer do so. In fact, they say that they do not believe. At one time, they gave evidence of believing, but now they claim that they don't. People ask me, "Were they Christians in the first place or were they able to lose their faith and salvation?"

It is neither my responsibility nor my desire to give damnable judgement to anyone. So, I cannot tell you what the stories of the individuals are. I do not know them. I do not know what has happened in their hearts. I can only tell what the scripture says.

John spoke of people who at one time were a part of the congregations he is familiar with. They left the congregation voluntarily and began preaching a false gospel. I am not sure what that gospel was but it wasn't the gospel of Jesus Christ. John warns of these people.

1 John 2:19 (NASB 2020) 19 They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be evident that they all are not of us.

I know that many of you will point to a time in your life that you weren't in church. You might even have said or did things that indicated that you weren't truly a believer. Yet, you came back. The question is: Did you ever really leave?

I am one of those people who left the church at one time. No one could have known that I was a Christian by the way I spoke or lived. I did damage to the cause of Christ by the way I lived but I always knew that I believed even if I said I didn't. So, when I hear of those who once preached and told others of Christ leaving their faith behind, I can't tell whether they have truly left Christ or that they are denying their faith because of some other reason.

Some of these people who have left are encouraging others to join them. Maybe you could consider this a false gospel. Maybe it is the litmus test for determining who they are. I do know this: Once you have truly established a relationship with Jesus Christ, you can't simply divorce Him. He will always be your Savior even if you do not acknowledge it.

Some of these people must have been amazing frauds. They could espouse the cause of Christ better than I can and I know I am a believer. They may have even done great good in the lives of many who followed them at one time.

So, if they can truly "leave the faith" they were never of the faith. I pray that isn't their case. I pray they are wandering away and come back someday.

This teaches us that we don't need to follow people who profess Christ but follow Christ Himself. Even if every word that is said by a preacher, Christian singer or author drips like honey to our ears, we must keep our focus on the One who saved us and loves us throughout eternity. He will never leave. We can put full trust in that.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Christians Need Encouragement

 April 17, 2024


There are many people who are enormously famous and successful in their lives. We measure that success in influence. Some can command crowds of thousands to hear them sing or perform. Some have more employees in their companies than those thousands. We say they are gifted.

But do you think that they were able to do all that they have without any help? Were there parents encouraging? Teachers who believed in them. Coaches who smoothed off the edges? Friends who urged them forward? Of course, there were. Is there anything the church can learn from this?

Too often, we, the people in the church, are self critical. There seems to be a virtue in telling others how bad they are. So, we say how bad we are, hoping that this will make us better. Do you think that happened with Taylor Swift? Do you think she was motivated by others telling her how bad she was? Sure, she gets criticism now. It doesn't matter. She has already gone beyond the dreams of others. Criticism now is like a gnat hitting a freight train head on.

Are we so afraid that people will be proud of how far they have come in their Christian lives that they will no longer take another step? Can we say to one another, "good job," without thinking we are doing them damage? Evidently, many people believe that beating people down will make them stronger. Surely adversity does make people stronger but they also need encouragement to fight on. They need someone who believes they can go forward.

Telling people they have done a good job isn't a concession. It should be the hope of everyone. We should be telling each other, "I want you to succeed. I believe you can." Concessions should come when others quit getting up after they have fallen. As long as they keep getting up, we need to encourage them.

Many times people say to me, "I haven't been in church for a long time." My response is, "I am just glad you are here today." They don't need to be beaten for doing the right thing. They need encouragement. 

The Bible says this too:

Hebrews 10:24–25 (NASB 2020) 24 and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, 25 not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

So, look for someone to encourage today. On Sunday, when you see people you haven't seen in some time, encourage them. They may have taken all their energy just to get there. They may be embarrassed for not being there for some time. They may be afraid that someone will tell them how bad they have been.

I once heard two brothers chide another youth. They said, "Hey, Bill (not his real name), I haven't seen you since you made that commitment at camp. Guess it wasn't a real commitment, huh?" I never saw that youth again in church. It didn't matter what I said after that. That youth had been cut to the core. He wasn't coming back.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NASB 2020) 11 Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you also are doing.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Beware of the Kingdom of Wolves

April 16, 2024


There are wolves that are after you. These wolves will single you out for destruction. They especially pick on those who have been hurt or have strayed from their protective group. Their goal is to devour you. You must always be on guard.

Of course, I am not talking about Canis lupus. I am talking about those who will take you away from your faith. They will devour you with their devious theology. They will leave you with nothing.

These wolves look for people who have been hurt. They are sick or struggling financially or they have been walked on all their lives. They promise that you will be healed if you follow their teaching of faith. They give you the secret of opening God's vault where the money is stored. They tell you that you have the power within you to change all circumstances if you will adhere to their method.

But first, they claim, you must give a certain amount of money to prove your faith. If you believe, that shouldn't be a problem. That proof is all that you need to unlock the power within you to be healed, or see riches pour in or have people call you the blessed one. This is the way out of sickness, poverty and anonymity. This is the road they claim that you were always meant for.

Of course, when the saints in the Bible didn't have this same experience they will claim that they either didn't know how to obtain the power or that they were giving a false testimony or that they were simply not walking where God wanted them to walk. You don't need to be like Paul who would be beaten and work hard for his money. You don't need to be like most of the Apostles who were martyred for their preaching of God's word. You can be above all that.

These wolves are leading you to worship a false god. They will even tell you that you can see the face of your god in the mirror. These wolves are leading you as far from God as they can. They want you to see them as prophets who reveal the truth. They don't want you to meet Truth in person.

How long will you allow these wolves to devour you? How long will you walk with a false god?

Many people one day realize that all of their church attendance and sacrificial giving is playing the lottery. They have not had any return for their gifts but they listen to those who are paraded in front of the church to give testimonies of being financially well off after adopting the theology of wolves. They have tried to believe, they have even proved their belief again and again by giving more and more but have nothing to show for it. 

Run away from these wolves. Go to where you can know the true God. That place may not have as many people who seem to be as happy as the place you are leaving. They may be much more solemn. They may be much fewer than you have experienced in the church of the wolves. They will walk much deeper with their God. They will put their faith in Him to accomplish His will rather than themselves. Their lives will be humble. Their lives will be full of scripture. Their lives will drip with the fruit of the Spirit. They will know Jesus personally.

Wolves are after you. They want you to separate yourselves from the Church and come join their kingdom of wolves. Don't let them do it.

Acts 20:29–30 (NASB 2020) 29 I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things to draw away the disciples after them.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

When God Makes You Wait

 April 15, 2024


I am certainly not the brightest star in the sky. I realized something today that I should have known for a long time. Are you ready for this?

The cross is not the only moment of God's love. Don't get me wrong. The cross is the greatest expression of God's love.  What I am trying to say is that God's love doesn't end at the cross. God's love begins at the cross. He loves us and shows that love even after we have come to know Him. He continues to show His love for us by inviting us to join Him every day. 

Think of it. I love my wife. Let's say that I bought her the most beautiful, most expensive wedding ring ever made.  After that, I never do another thing for her nor do I ever give her anything else. Would that show the deep love I have for her? Would I truly love her? I have heard of men who say that they told their wives that they loved them when they got married and will tell them if that love ever changes but will not tell them that they love them again. Those men have no idea how to love their wives. Can I say that God doesn't know how to love us? Absolutely not!

This means whatever I am going through, especially those things that require me to wait or endure, it is an expression of God's love. I was thinking of the eight years and three months that I waited to become a pastor. I prayed whether this was God's direction for me. He told me it was. Then, I began to pray to become a pastor. That lasted for eight years and three months.

During that time, I didn't know why God would make me wait. I had a seminary education. (I have even gotten a D.Min.) Yet, the opportunities to become a senior pastor eluded me. I assumed that I just wasn't ready. I thought God was preparing me and that I was really slow in learning. While that is true, that's not the main reason that God made me wait. He made me wait out of His love for me.

While I was waiting and praying, I got closer to God than ever before. I clung to Him. I grew in my relationship to Him. God let me go through this time of waiting so that my love would grow. I needed to love Him more than I needed education or experience. This time taught me to cling to Him in every trial I face because I know when I go to Him I am going to someone who loves me. I am going to someone who doesn't want me in anxiety, frustration or depression. It took over eight years but I learned always to go to the One who loves me.

Don't get me wrong! I don't love waiting or difficulties. I love the God of the waiting and difficulties. I never want to go through a time of waiting like that again but I wouldn't trade those years for anything either. They showed me God's love day-by-day. My love for the Lord is far greater than it was before I waited. And I know His love more too.

1 Peter 1:6–8 (NASB 2020) 6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, 7 so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which perishes though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 8 and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Reason to Forgive

 April 14, 2024


Everyone has been hurt at some time in their lives. Some hurts are hard to forgive. The Christian forgives because he has been forgiven. He has the forgiveness of Christ in him. He depends upon Christ's forgiveness to enable his own forgiveness. Therefore, all forgiveness is based on the blood of Christ.

But what about the people who don't know Christ? How do they forgive?

It appears to me that they think forgetting is the same as forgiving. Thus, they depend on their ability to forget rather than forgive. And it works as long as the transgression isn't that great. We all had to forgive our elementary classmates when they said something that hurt us. We continued to play with them and the slight was forgotten.

That works until there is something so egregious that it can't be forgotten. Child abuse is rarely forgotten though it can be suppressed. Rape and severe beatings are rarely forgotten. Betrayal from someone very close is rarely forgotten. Even things that can be forgotten take their toll. They add up like dirty dishes piled up in a sink.

Now, if there is no way to forgive and forgetting is out of the question, what happens to the people who have collected these hurts? I believe this may be the basic reasons for road rage, unruly airplane passengers and maybe even some of the mass killings. Of course, mental illness plays a big part in these, but when people normally considered to be in their right mind act out of their minds, there must be a reason.

Consider this premise, please. People who can't forgive are collecting the hurts they have felt. They rehearse them in their memories so that they are hurt again and again by the same incident. It adds up to where their rage is always on the brink of eruption. Some plan retribution. Others just wait until their is an event that pushes them over the edge. How dare that person pull into their lane! That lifestyle is what's wrong with our country! I paid for this seat and I can do as I please!

What's the answer? I don't believe there is an answer without Jesus. People need to know His forgiveness to forgive others.

Matthew 18:21–22 (NASB 2020) 21 Then Peter came up and said to Him, “Lord, how many times shall my brother sin against me and I still forgive him? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy-seven times.