December 31, 2024
Matthew 28:7 (ESV) 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.”
Christians for the most part have become consumers looking what what Christianity will do for them. They have become complacent with the gospel. There is no urgency to quickly tell others of the saving power of a faith in Christ. Much of that may have come from an easy "believism" that has infected their faith.
They believe that by acknowledging Jesus as God's Son, they are saved. That is not the same as having faith. Faith involves repenting from a trust in the world and its desires to trusting in Jesus as their life. It is more than believing that there is a heaven or hell. It is more than going to church. It is more than looking to find a place that is comfortable or good for your family. It involves the infusion of the Holy Spirit into the life of the new believer. It involves being changed from someone who looks like those who do not believe.
I acknowledge that Putin is the president of Russia but it has no effect on me. If asked, I will respond with him being the president of Russia. I do not consider Russia as my home or even retirement home because I believe he is the president of Russia. Yet, this appears to be the faith of many people who call themselves Christians. They think by calling Jesus Lord they are Christians. Why? Because we told them that they don't have to do anything to be a Christian. So, they don't.
There is no reason for a person who doesn't truly believe in the salvation that Jesus brings to tell others of the life changing reality that Jesus brings. They aren't urgent with the message because they don't have a message to tell.
What are you doing to bring the reality of Jesus into the lives of others? Are you serving them? Are you showing them love? Are you forgiving so that they understand forgiveness? Are you praying for them to come to Christ?
The people who found an empty tomb were told to quickly tell others. Time matters. Quickly, tell someone who Jesus is to you today. Start with someone who is already a believer. You might find that they have only acknowledged Jesus as Lord.
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