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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks During Tragic Times

I do not thank God directly for children being abducted, hurricanes which kill, car wrecks or terrorist attacks. This makes no sense to me. I am not thankful directly that they happened. I am thankful when I put tragedies in God's hands, though. I am thankful for who He is during a tragedy.

I am thankful that He will somehow work out this tragedy so that some good will come from it. This does not me thankful for the tragedy. It makes me thankful for what God can do. His word says that He causes all things to work for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He is working even before I start praying. He is making something good happen even now.

I am thankful that He is more powerful than any tragedy. I know that He can keep His promise of making something good happen because of His strength. Just when you think its all over His power over everything makes something good come out of a tragedy. Never doubt what God could do. I have seen terminal tumors immediately disappear because of the power of God. He has the power to change any circumstance. He has the power to make good happen.

I am thankful that God is all-knowing. I do not know what the best thing is. I do not know how to make good come from the tragedy. God does something completely outside my box when I try to tell Him what to do. I put the solutions in His hands. I know I would like to see something good happen. For example, I am praying that a young man gets a needed heart transplant. What is the best thing to do for this young man who will die soon without one? I do not know if God will take him home to heaven. I do not know if God will provide another heart from someone he will call home to heaven. I do not know if God will simply heal the young man's heart. I do not know if there is something outside my own perception of possibilities. God knows it all and will do what is best. I am thankful for that.

I am thankful that God is always loving. Making something good happen will come from His love. I can count on that love. It is constant and nothing can take it away. I know that He loves each of the people involved in the tragedy. I know He will cause something good to happen because He loves each person with an everlasting love. 

So, I don't thank God for the bad things that happen. I thank Him for the good that He will make from the bad. I thank Him for who He always is. 

Maybe this can give you something to be Thankful for if this has been your worst Thanksgiving. Have you been wondering how you can "give thanks in all circumstances?"

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