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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The God of Mercy

The moment before you is the only moment you have. The grace that is before you is the only grace you need. People look for God's grace for tomorrow in today. That would be a wasted of His grace. You only need the grace for this moment. However, we should not count on Him giving us another chance to make the decision He has placed before us today. The moment before us is the only moment we have.

Monday, November 4, 2019

What Does It Mean to Be Loved by God?

God loves you. How much? More than you can imagine!

God Prepared You for This Time

God works out of His grace. That grace grows us into the person we are to be. That grace calls us to the work He has prepared us for. This is evident in the Parable of the Talents. Each person was given a task according to their abilities. So, when God calls us to share our faith, He is doing so because He has planned for us to do it, prepared for us to do it and grows us into more grace through it. You have been prepared for this time. Don't waste it.