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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

When Is Repentance Not Repentance?

 June 12, 2024


Let's say that a man comes to me and says, "I have cheated my partner in business for years but I am okay with the Lord for each time I cheated my partner, I confessed it to the Lord and was restored back into His good graces. I know I can do that every time I cheat him. I know this because you have preached that no matter what we have done, God will forgive us."

This man would be right about my statements of forgiveness. Jesus paid such a high price for our sins that He will forgive all my sins no matter how egregious they are. So, is this man right in saying that he is okay with God even though he continues to cheat his partner? I will give a resounding "No!"

Sin separates us from God even if we are believers. It doesn't keep us from going to heaven but it estranges us from God. Anyone who has been away from God in his or her own sin will confirm this. This is why people truly repent of their sin. They are left in their guilt without God. It doesn't matter that Jesus has forgiven them if they no longer experience His presence. They are separated.

Isaiah 59:2 (NASB 2020) 2 But your wrongdoings have caused a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.

So, can a person repent and have restoration only to repeat the sin again and again? Again, I will give a resounding "No!" Repentance is more than admitting that you have done wrong. It is filled with regret that reminds the person not to do it again. It calls upon the Lord for strength for help in not repeating the sin. Repentance calls for the person to turn around.

Religion is different from a relationship with God Almighty. Religion goes through the motions that are named as righteousness. A relationship with the Lord looks at the heart of the person when considering righteousness. The most religious people in Jesus' day were the ones Jesus had the most trouble with. They are the ones He used as bad examples of faith. They were the ones He called names to illustrate how bad they were. They went through the motions but their hearts were far from God. They had no relationship to speak of with God.

Repentance with no intent to change is an act of a corrupt heart just as repentance with a commitment to follow the Lord is an act of the heart. God is not interested in your actions if they are not true to your heart.

Let's put it another way: suppose a man is unfaithful to his wife. He tells her that he is sorry that he is unfaithful, but continues to be unfaithful. Will his marriage be restored just because he is sorry? No! True repentance is necessary. That will come from the heart and the body will follow.

So, don't think you can get away with sin with a "get out of jail card" given to you by your bending of scripture or what your preacher has said. God is not amused by your pretending to Him. He is still far away from you.

On the other hand, if you genuinely repent . . .

Acts 8:22 (NASB 2020) 22 Therefore, repent of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, the intention of your heart will be forgiven you.

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