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Friday, June 14, 2024

Rewards for Your Gifts to God

 June 15, 2024


I recently read of a billionaire who sent what appeared to be a tremendous amount of money into the federal government to pay taxes. He advertised his tax burden on X. His intent was political. He wanted to show everyone what he paid. Of course, we are supposed to praise him for paying his taxes. Therefore, we can say that he his politics are better than those who use every advantage to avoid paying taxes. There are so many flaws in this.

The billionaire is not paying in such a way that it will affect his lifestyle. He is paying in his excess. He will still ride in his private jet. He will live in his mansion. He can still take exotic trips. He is unaffected.

This billionaire wanted everyone to know how much he paid. He was proud of that number. He wasn't about to simply pay his taxes and let no one know about it. He should have known that this only impresses those whose god is made of money.

It appears that this billionaire is calling for people to pay their taxes. It doesn't matter that this billionaire evidently failed to use the tax code to get out of as many taxes as possible. (This is the real problem with a disproportionate taxation in America. Abolish the tax code and everyone pays his or her fair share.) The fact that the enormous tax he paid didn't affect him doesn't mean that it won't affect those who are not as rich as him.

This story reminded me of the Widow's Mite. There were rich people making a show of what they were giving. Large sums were deposited with flair. The rich were trying to impress each other. All they would get out of their gift was measured in the pride they felt and the awe that was shown by those of lesser means. Of course, the priests were happy too. Maybe this would cause others to give in this manner.

Jesus noticed the widow making her way to give her offering. It made a small clink. No one turned to notice. She didn't give it so that people would notice. She gave out of her love and expected nothing more than giving the gift. She didn't know that God, the Son was watching. She didn't know that her story would be told for thousands of years. 

I read that one church rewarded the members who gave above a certain amount of money. They took these givers on fabulous trips. They recognized their giving lavishly. It certainly made these givers want to be in this circle. 

Now, there is a difference between giving to God and paying your taxes. Paying your taxes is a legal obligation. Giving to God is an act of the heart. Beware of those who  reveal what they give to God as a matter of pride. Give so that the reward for your giving goes beyond what you receive on earth.

Mark 12:41–44 (NASB 2020) 41 And Jesus sat down opposite the treasury, and began watching how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large amounts. 42 And a poor widow came and put in two lepta coins, which amount to a quadrans. 43 Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.”

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