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Friday, June 7, 2024

Living Like There Is No Tomorrow

 June 8, 2024


There is a difference between living like there is no tomorrow and living like there is no eternity. Living like there is no tomorrow means that you will make the most of today. Living like there is no eternity means you are living like there are no consequences. The real problem comes when you live like both of these at the same time. 

Recently, I talked with someone on Wednesday who passed away on Friday. It was sudden but the person was prepared for eternity. That means she took advantage of the salvation offered to her by Jesus. She had done this many years before so death, no matter how sudden, would not be devastating.

Some people must be hoping there is no eternity. They will reason out their lack of evidence for eternity. They will say the stories in the Bible are fairy tales. They will say that they were created to give comfort to people who are dying. They will say that death is the end. They, therefore, can justify lives that have no thought of God. They hate to be confronted by people of faith. They refuse to think they could be wrong.

Of course, these people often think there is no evidence for our faith in Jesus Christ. You have heard me say before that we have biblical, historical, scientific and personal evidence for our faith. Only the Holy Spirit can open the eyes of people who are willing to see. Those who resist the Spirit will not see.

If there is no eternity then today is an opportunity to get all you can, can all you get and sit on the can. But if there is an eternity provision needs to be made for eternity. Who wants to pay for all the things they have done when it could all be forgiven?

So, what is today? A day to live like there is no tomorrow because your tomorrow is in Someone else's hands. Today is the day of salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:2 (NASB 2020) 2 for He says, “At a favorable time I listened to you, And on a day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is “a favorable time,” behold, now is “a day of salvation”—

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