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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Are You So Busy That You're Not Living Anymore?

 June 21, 2024


People are much busier than they used to be. Things at church didn't compete with so much stuff. The problem is that people don't know what is truly important. Thus, they are busier than ever but getting less done.

I looked at the stuff I have in my house and realized that I had a lot of stuff that I didn't use and evidently didn't need. I wondered how I got all that stuff. For example, there must be ten pillows in the den that sit by the fireplace. I don't remember using them. I would put them in a closet but the closets are all full.

So, we are adding activity and stuff to our living without getting more out of our living. In fact, we are getting less. How did this happen?

Well, in my life, I wasn't careful. It was activity and stuff creep. One thing was added after another without removing anything that was already there. Very little thinking is required to get yourself in this predicament. You just keep putting things into the boat until the boat sinks. This isn't wise.

So, I must do something about it. I must start eliminating those things that aren't going to add value to my life. I must know God's will, follow that will and guard that I don't go back to adding things that seem good but aren't the best. Truthfully, I don't have time for good things. There are too many best things that I may be missing.

First, I resolve that God wants the best for me. He knows me well and can bring about the best for me if I will just walk with Him. Knowing this, I have full confidence that He will lead me into the best. Thus, I must get rid of all the things that are keeping me from my best.

Next, I must be filled with the Spirit to know what God wants for me. I must admit that I can't discern this on my own or I wouldn't have all this clutter in my life. God didn't clutter my life but He will help me de-clutter it.

Then, I must clean house. This is more than dusting and vacuuming. There will be truckloads of junk going to a charity. There will hours of wasted time reclaimed.

Of course, I will resolve to pray about every purchase and activity before I buy or engage in them. This is the only wise thing I can do. I can't live in this junkyard any longer.

Today has a to-do list. I make those and follow them most of the time. Each of the items is evaluated and given a priority. Some of those things will go on the next day's list. At this point, cleaning out things is not something I can do in "spare" time. It must go on the to do list.

I wonder if anyone else is like me. Do any of you see things in your life that really aren't adding living to your life? What is really important? Of course, it is doing God's will. It is walking with Him. Adding activity without discernment will keep you from being able to walk with Him. I guess some of us are going to have a clean up day.

Here is a scripture I come back to often. I need to read it again.

Ephesians 5:15–18 (NASB 2020) 15 So then, be careful how you walk, not as unwise people but as wise, 16 making the most of your time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,

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