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Friday, June 28, 2024

Late for Church Again

 June 29, 2024


Many people don't show up for worship services on time. I wonder if they are late for other important events in their lives. Have they been so late for a flight that they missed the plane? (and it was their fault) Have they missed the time they needed to show up for a surgery? Were they late for the children's wedding? Were they so late for a doctor's appointment that it had to be rescheduled? Were they late for the beginning of a sporting event? No one is late when they have the opportunity to meet someone they especially admire. Why are they late for worship?

I remember hearing from a youth several years ago. Her mother told me that she couldn't wait to be in worship. Maybe that was because she was vitally involved in worship. Maybe some people don't  know they should be vitally involved in worship.

Worship should be something we do rather than attend. Otherwise, the singing and amens are just lip service. God desires worship of the spirit and truth. God cares if people are only attending worship. That isn't really worship to Him.

Worship should change the worshiper. Who can come into the presence of God and go away unchanged? Maybe people don't know they are supposed to come into the presence of God when they worship. I guess that might allows someone to show up late.

Worship should contain three elements. There should be a cleansing that comes from confession and realizing that each person's sins are forgiven by the sacrifice of Jesus. There should be commitment. If God is speaking, He must be obeyed. You can casually disregard what is going on if its just the preacher. There should be fellowship. Fellowship is a mutual contribution given by the congregants. It happens in singing, praying and giving words that spur others on to follow Christ. I guess it is okay to miss worship if these are missing.

I am afraid that many of the late comers might agree with the following scripture.

Psalm 42:4 (NASB 2020)4 I remember these things and pour out my soul within me. For I used to go over with the multitude and walk them to the house of God, With a voice of joy and thanksgiving, a multitude celebrating a festival.

The key words in this scripture are "I used to." There was a time when worship was vital. It was something that was anticipated. The good news is that realizing this is a good reason to return to the heart of worship.

Instead let your worship be:

Psalm 122:1 (NASB 2020) 1 I was glad when they said to me, “Let’s go to the house of the Lord.”

Let your worship be alive again. Show it by being there when it starts.

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