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Monday, June 24, 2024

It Is Easy to Be Led Astray

 June 25, 2024


I am continually perplexed at believers following preachers building their own kingdoms. They go in droves toward the excitement and sparkle of being a part of the "in" group who are greater than those who are not with them. The services are animated. The preachers use a variety of  tactics that spin stories that the congregants long to hear. The people do, indeed, become more religious. They may even change their lifestyles to resemble that of a Christian. But they are cultish in their worship for they long to hear the words of a man or woman rather than a word from God. They are largely emotional as the worship team has led them to a frenzy in which anything can be poured into their minds.

Most of those who will attend these churches will deny what I have just said. They will point out that the preacher read the Bible. They will even say that the songs brought them closer to Christ. "It is better to be in an exciting church than one that is dull" will be the reasoning for attending. My question is this: "Are you only attending church or are you also furthering the kingdom of God?" One does not necessarily beget the other.

A church should be a gathering of people to serve the Lord. It is a people who disciple others to further the kingdom of God. I really don't think Satan cares how many times "Jesus is Lord" is sung as long as Jesus isn't Lord. Truthfully, I don't think God cares either.

Any time a worship leader cries out, "I sense the presence of God in this place," the question should arise, "How do you know?" Maybe the reason the people leading are called the Praise Team is because they are being praised by those who worship them. Worship should always point toward Jesus. It isn't the music, the musicians, the preacher or the building who are placed in the middle of worship. It is Jesus. The Holy Spirit will always praise Jesus.

The presence of the Lord is most often a realization that the Holy One is there. There is a need to confess and repent. Sure, there should be praises but that comes after the confession and repentance because we know He has received us. We know He has forgiven us. We know we possess His righteousness. We know He is working in our lives. We know that this relationship should consume us. But we hear so little about confession and repentance. Sure, we preach forgiveness but there seems to be no qualification. Everyone is forgiven without taking any action to receive that forgiveness. No, I am not saying that we have earned forgiveness. I am saying that we are cleansed from all unrighteousness because of a confession that produces repentance.

We gravitate toward messages we want to hear. The sick want to hear they will be made well. The financially struggling want to hear that their struggles will be no more. The depressed want to hear that tomorrow will change everything. But what if the message from God is that these circumstances will not change? What if He merely promises to walk with people through these circumstances and, therefore, allows them a testimony of trust in God when everything appears to be going to hell? Who wants to hear that?

The deep messages of God are so often convicting. They are life-changing. They confront the status quo and demand a closer walk with God. That walk with God may not be in a church that sees thousands screaming the lyrics of songs. It may be a few people gathered to sing "Just as I Am." 

To all who read this I say, "Watch what you are doing. You may be led astray without knowing it." Excitement entices when truth may be ignored.

2 Corinthians 11:3 (NASB 2020) 3 But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his trickery, your minds will be led astray from sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

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