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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Just a Word of Encouragement

June 26, 2024


I watched a TED talk done by a friend yesterday. He did this talk in 2017 and never told me about it. He is just humble that way. I have known him for thirty-five years. He has always been amazing to me. He has produced 13 Gold and 3 Platinum records. He has won 7 Grammy Awards and 20 Dove Awards. He is a songwriter and producer.

The TED talk centered around him growing up in North Dakota. Since I never thought of him as more than incredible, I was surprised to hear that he thought of himself as a loser while he was in junior high (Middle School now). The words of an encouraging teacher launched him into who he is today. After watching, I texted him and told him that I also want to be that encourager because there just might be another one of him out there. After thinking about it, I really don't care if they become someone who has won great awards if I can simply help them along by giving them words of encouragement. This friend told me that he is still in touch with this person who encouraged him.

People are always saying they want to make a difference. They think it will be by their names placed in the media or on the side of buildings. That's not the difference that really matters. The difference that matters is found in the lives that are changed for the better. Encouragement costs us nothing to give. It lifts people up. It changes the trajectory of their lives. Maybe that's why the Bible tells us to give it.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NASB 2020) 11 Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you also are doing.

Here is the TED talk I mentioned. It is about 16 minutes long. It will be worth your time.

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