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Saturday, April 11, 2009

What Happened on the Saturday before the Resurrection?

What do you think happened on that Saturday before the resurrection of Christ?

Did Peter stop crying? Did the everyone return to their Jewish roots and go to the synagogue? Did they just mope around, not knowing what to do? Do you think they had any idea that God's plans were going just like He wanted?

They did not anticipate what the next day would bring. They did not know that God was about to do something that would not only change their lives but would change history itself. They despaired but God had it all under His control.

I think of all the times that I thought things were out of control. I certainly like to tell others that God knows what is going on and still has things under control even though circumstances say He isn't even aware of their problems. I am another person when things go south for me. This is called doubt. James says I should expect to receive nothing from God if I doubt.

I shouldn't expect to receive but God still delivers. I can safely say that none of Jesus' followers really expected a resurrection. They had all the doubt that could be had to never see the resurrection. They did because of God's love not because of their faith.

The next day their faith was completely changed. The words of Jesus went from mystery to revelation. Their hopelessness became nothing but hope. They tears were turned into joy.

I learn the message of the resurrection right after the darkest of nights. I say, "God I will never doubt you again when things look bad." I am ashamed when I admit I have doubted Him when things got bad again.

Remember the Saturday before the resurrection the next time things get really bad. Even when all seems lost, God is in control. Even when things look like they will never get better, God brings the best.

Make plans to find a good church to be in tomorrow. God bless.

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