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Friday, August 23, 2024

Will the Sky Fall?

 August 24, 2024


It seems that politicians have learned something from the media. The media knows that they must do something to get attention. There are so many news outlets that each one works hard to steal attention from the others. The must write or declare something that will get attention. So, they yell out in every way, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" Now the politicians have learned something that they can use against their opponents. "If you vote for "X" the sky will fall!" Wouldn't it be a novel idea for politicians to campaign on merit and policy? Wouldn't reason be a good motivator of people to vote? Obviously, no.

It seems that very few people realize how ungodly this campaign tactic is. They are saying that whoever wins will be able to do whatever is wanted. They are saying that there is no God who will limit the evil that can be done. They are saying that God doesn't bring about good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He can't because the disaster will consume all that is good. They are saying that God has no future.

Now, they are correct if they continue with this tactic. God has allowed godless societies to fade from existence. Where is the Roman empire? What about the Carthaginian empire or the Ottoman? Each of these empires were plagued with materialism, immorality, devaluing human life, and a loss of faith. We have more to fear from ourselves than we do from the politicians that are elected.

However, we do know that God will hold onto us as long as we will continue to hold onto Him. God told Abraham that He would stay His hand if only ten righteous people were found in Sodom. It is so important that we seek the face of the Lord so that we will be those righteous people who will keep our land from fading into history as those empires did before us. 

Yes, the sky could fall but it won't simply be a politician that makes it fall. It will be the people who have turned their backs upon God. The ones He called "my people." Our nation needs a revival. It does not need Christian nationalism. It needs to be a nation of true Christians who follow Jesus being impowered by the Holy Spirit. It should take on the attitude of God that never forces anyone to become a believer. It should be founded in loving people into a faith in Jesus. It should act to feed the starving, heal the hurting and walk so closely with God that He can be seen through their testimonies. 

This revival will begin as other revivals have. It will always be one person making his or her own decision. Even when 3000 came to the Lord on one day, each one had to make his or her own decision to follow the Lord completely.

Will you be that one today?

Ezekiel 33:11 (NASB 2020)11 Say to them, ‘As I live!’ declares the Lord God, ‘I take no pleasure at all in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! Why then should you die, house of Israel?’

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