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Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Missing Element of the Work of the Lord

 August 25, 2024


God uses all sorts of things to get my attention. Last night, I couldn't sleep. Rather than toss around so that my wife couldn't sleep either, I went downstairs and started to read. I have been reading a book I read a long time ago: George Muller of Bristol by A.T. Pierson.

If you have followed this blog, you know that it has been getting more than a little dry. It seems that I have nothing to say but I want to say it. Last night I read: 

          On April 20 Mr. Muller left for Bristol. On the journey he was dumb, having no liberty in                 speaking for Christ or even giving away tracts, and this led him to reflect. He saw that the             so called "work of the Lord" had tempted him to substitute action for meditation and                      communion. He had neglected that "still hour" with God that supplies to spiritual life alike             its breath and its bread. No lesson is more important for us to learn, yet how slow we are to          learn it: that for the lack of habitual seasons set apart for devout meditation upon the Word          of God and for prayer, nothing else will compensate.

The truth of the matter is that I was dry because I wasn't going to the well. My axe was dull because I failed to sharpen it. I was acting on my own abilities and strength and the result was merely human. It was a failure to my God and to my witness.

So, this morning I had time in the Word and prayer. It wasn't for a Bible Study, sermon or even to write this blog. It was so that I could seek the face of my Lord without being distracted. It was deeply meaningful and it rejuvenated me for the day.

Doing the work of the Lord is not necessarily seeking the face of the Lord. Working for the Lord in our own strength will make us tired and weary. That is why we must do the work of the Lord with the Lord so that we have His strength. Otherwise, we are on our own.

Yes, the Lord let me go my own way but He used sleeplessness to bring me to where I need to go. Don't tell me the Lord isn't concerned about us. He is always calling us to come closer to Him. So, don't miss the opportunity to get before the Lord this next morning. You will be different if you do.

Psalm 5:3 (NASB 2020) 3 In the morning, Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will present my prayer to You and be on the watch.

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