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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Forgiveness of Sin

September 1, 2024


All sins are worthy of death. This is not the physical death that some think it is. It is the death of the relationship between man and God. The relationship is newly established when a person commits his life to the Lord. Sin will not cause a person to lose that established relationship but it will estrange the person from God. God holds onto the sinner but the sinner must make a different commitment to return the intimacy that was once known. That is why the scripture was written.

1 John 1:9 (ESV) 9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

It is that unrighteousness that God cannot stand. He is holy and cannot walk with us when we walk in unrighteousness. It is like having a pen leak ink on our shirt pocket. Nothing will get all the ink out but confession in this case.

Confession is more than admitting that the sin was committed. Many people will admit their sins when they can't hide them anymore. They try to make their sins small by only admitting to what they have been caught doing. Sin does not diminish its affects by how few times it happened. Confession without a brokenness over the sin that results in true repentance is somewhat meaningless. It does not take full responsibility and cannot result in cleansing from all unrighteousness. 

Confession is more than admitting that all people have sinned. Responsibility for sin must be personal. Yes, everyone has sinned. And, yes, everyone must personally confess.

1 John 1:10 (ESV) 10  If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Sinners must admit who they have sinned against. It seems strange that King David sinned with Bathsheba. Had others involved in his treachery. Had her husband killed. Then, he tried to cover up what many people, very probably the members of his household already knew. Yet, when he confesses he says:

Psalm 51:4 (ESV) 4  Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.

He saw his sin against God before all others he had sinned against. This is the very root of sin. It is against God and cannot simply be forgiven by others who have been sinned against. He must first answer to the Almighty God who created him, put him in his position, sustained him, blessed him and with whom he had at one time an intimate relationship. He has let that relationship go and treated it as worthless. This is why he will cry out:

Psalm 51:10-12 (ESV) 10  Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. 11  Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. 12  Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.

He has lost the joy of his salvation. He desperately wants it back. This is repentance.

No person can make up for a sin. No words can be unsaid. No acts can be undone. No one can make it up to the person they have sinned against. Forgiveness is a gift that the person must give to the one who has sinned against them. It is never earned. Yes, sinners are at the mercy of the one they sinned against.  Pointing out the sins of those you sinned against doesn't help. God forgives on the basis of the blood of Jesus. It was the payment of the innocent for the guilty. People who forgive others should use that basis for their forgiveness. They forgive because Jesus has paid the price of the sin. It is still a gift.

True repentance may not result in forgiveness by others. Some don't know their own sin. Some are so hurt that they believe that forgiveness allows the guilty to go unpunished. Holding onto their forgiveness rather than giving it to others is a type of punishment. It hurts the one who has sinned and appears to protect the one who has been sinned against because they believe this will help them make sure that it never happens again. (On the other hand, some people are just mean and want any means to have an advantage over others. They hold this sin before the sinner forever. They are agents of Satan because he, too, is the accuser of the brethren.)

Restoration comes from God but it may still mean enduring severe consequences. Robbing the bank can be forgiven and receive a full restoration from God but it may mean spending years in prison. Committing adultery may result in years of distrust by the spouse even if the spouse forgives. Forgiveness is a gift. Trust is earned. Trust is faithfulness over time.

Regret for the sin may never go away. It is not the same as refusing to forgive oneself. Regret is a reminder that keeps people from committing the sin again. Forgetting the pain makes sin more enticing. 

Restoration with God is not taking God's second best. God does not work that way. While there may be consequences, God still makes good happen in the lives of those who love Him. 

Romans 8:28 (ESV) 28  And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

So, confess, repent and be restored. Know the joy of salvation again. Have an intimacy with God that goes beyond all other experiences.

Romans 8:1 (ESV) 1  There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 

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