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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Praise the Name of the Lord!

 August 11, 2024


What is in a name? It seems that each time the Psalmist praises the Lord, he mentions the name of God as the focus of the praise. Here are some examples:

Psalm 106:47 (NASB 2020) 47 Save us, Lord our God, And gather us from the nations, To give thanks to Your holy name And glory in Your praise.

Psalm 86:9 (NASB 2020) 9 All nations whom You have made will come and worship before You, Lord, And they will glorify Your name.

Psalm 52:9 (NASB 2020) 9 I will praise You forever, because You have done it, And I will wait on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.

Psalm 9:10 (NASB 2020) 10 And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, For You, Lord, have not abandoned those who seek You.

Psalm 5:11 (NASB 2020) 11 But rejoice, all who take refuge in You, Sing for joy forever! And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may rejoice in You.

Psalm 44:8 (NASB 2020) 8 In God we have boasted all day long, And we will give thanks to Your name forever. Selah

Psalm 8:1 (NASB 2020) 1 Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, You who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!

Psalm 80:18 (NASB 2020) 18 Then we will not turn back from You; Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.

Psalm 22:22 (NASB 2020) 22 I will proclaim Your name to my brothers; In the midst of the assembly I will praise You.

Psalm 86:11 (NASB 2020) 11 Teach me Your way, Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.

Psalm 83:16 (NASB 2020) 16 Fill their faces with dishonor, So that they will seek Your name, Lord.

Psalm 7:17 (NASB 2020) 17 I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness And will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalm 66:4 (NASB 2020) 4 “All the earth will worship You, And will sing praises to You; They will sing praises to Your name.” Selah

Read each of these and make it an exercise to start this day with praising the Lord according to His name. Think on the names God is called. 

He is Jehovah-jireh (provider) Genesis 22: 14

He is Jehovah-rophe (healer) Exodus 15: 26

He is Jehovah-nissi (my banner) Exodus 17:15

He is Jehovah-m'kaddesh (holy) Leviticus 20: 7

He is Jehovah-shalom (peace) Judges 6: 24

He is Jehovah-tsidkenu (righteousness) Jeremiah 23: 6

He is Jehovah-rohi (shepherd) Psalm 23: 1

He is Jehovah-shammah (here) Ezekiel 48: 35

In each of these names you can add "my" before the name. We all need Him to be who He is. Some times we need Him to be one of those names more than we need Him to be another but He is always all of them.

I believe this might be a good time to praise the Lord.

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