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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Does God Still Do Miracles?

 August 12, 2024


There are some who believe that God no longer does miracles. They say that the time of miracles has passed because we have the Bible. They claim that miracles proved who Jesus was. They say that miracles pointed toward His coming. They are correct, but does that mean that God stopped doing them?

If there are no more miracles, what are we praying for? Each prayer asks God to intervene to provide or change the outcome of something. We pray for the sick with the expectation that God will answer with healing. We pray for the means of paying our rent with the expectation that God will provide. Do we call these things less than miracles because we can also explain them by circumstances?

Years ago, we prayed for a lady who was about to have surgery and radiation treatments for a large abdominal tumor. The MRI proved it was there. Just before surgery another MRI was done and the tumor was gone. Should we say that the MRI machine was flawed? If so, before or after the prayer? Why wasn't it also flawed with every other image it had taken that day?

I was on a mission trip years ago with a group of college students. One of our chartered busses broke down and we were taken to the bus station in Flagstaff, AZ. I went to a Japanese man and spoke with him. I discovered that he had been sent by his church to the US for Okinawa. He was traveling to share the gospel. He was very lonely for his English was very limited. I wanted to encourage him so I read Jude 24-25 to him. He followed along in his Japanese Bible. He looked up and told me, "These are the two verses my church commissioned me with in Okinawa." 

Now I realize that I cannot say that the laws of physics were violated in what happened. It was no miracle that our chartered bus broke down. It was not a miracle that we were taken the the bus station while it was being fixed. It was not a miracle that a Japanese man was also at the bus station. It was not a miracle that I would talk to him. It was not a miracle that I would read two verses from the Bible. It wasn't even a miracle that his church would commission him with these verses. But add all of these up, and tell me if this wasn't a miracle!

Yes, God still does miracles! Depend on God because He is dependable. Pray to God because He is still just as powerful as He ever was.

Jude 24–25 (NASB 2020) 24 Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless with great joy, 25 to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time and now and forever. Amen.

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