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Sunday, August 25, 2024

The World Still Doesn't Know Jesus

 August 26, 2024


John 1:10 (ESV) 10  He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him.

Recently there have been people who blaspheme the name of God, Christ and anything that has to do with Christian faith. On one side there are those who try to excuse this behavior. On the other people are expressing their outrage. Well, I am not one to do either. I do not like that my Lord has been ridiculed. I hurt for those who are damaged by these actions. This sentiment is like a virus that infects a society with no vaccine. Many will not know the Lord because they will go with the crowd of blasphemers who defiantly dare God to do something to them if He is real. For some, this is proof that God is a figment of the believers' imaginations. There is no logic in that conclusion. Logic has nothing to do with it.

Jesus came into the world so that people could be saved. He did not come so that everyone would be forced to accept salvation. Many people chose not to believe in Him while He walked on the earth. Even the resurrection would not change the minds or hearts of many. They had set their hearts on disbelief. They thought in human terms. They saw Jesus as a threat that needed to be removed. This is exactly what is happening today. These militant non-believers seek to have the influence of Jesus removed. He cramps their style.

When we react with outrage, we are typically preaching to the choir. The militants aren't listening to us. Those that agree with us agreed with us before we expressed our outrage. We are not making any progress toward seeing things change. However, if we could see these enemies of Christ become followers of Christ as Paul the Apostle did, we would all but eliminate the wave of blasphemy that seems to be growing. 

And how do we see those people come to know the Lord? We act in faith. We walk with God. We love like Jesus. Some people will always come to know the Lord when we have evangelism programs. They can be very effective. But the most effective way for people to come to know the Lord is through seeing true believers living out their faith with joy and love in their hearts. The world has no place to receive forgiveness. We have received it. We are dedicated to our Lord without reservation. We have purpose and life. The world is looking for that.

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