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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Lord, Please Send Another Revival

Judges 2:10 (ESV)
10  And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD or the work that he had done for Israel.

I have been reading "Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders" by James Burns. The book was originally published in 1909. The subject matter hasn't gone out of style for those of us who pray for God to send revival. The book is still relevant. 

Though there is a disagreement to the number of years, revivals tend to last through a generation. That generation teaches their children but the children, who make a commitment to Christ at an early age do not know the works of the Lord by experience. Their stories rely on their parents. They know of the works of the Lord but do not know them as first hand experiences. The next generation neither knows the Lord nor His works.

The generations that follow without the Lord know no bounds to immorality. The remnant who remain committed during these dark days are appalled to see how low a society can stoop. They keep thinking that it can't get any worse but it does. The extreme depravity brings many believers to their knees. Some think there is no hope.

It should be noted that the society itself sees all of this as progress. They claim that we have thrown off the wet blanket of religion that was placed upon us. We can now explore beyond the limits that have been keeping us down. The morality which protected human life and gave ti purpose is eroded. the purpose of the individual takes over where the society once mattered. 

Does the present generation know the Lord of the works of the Lord? Are things as bad as they can get? I know many of the generation who have been born in this century are open to what the Lord is doing. I know they are heavily influenced by the immorality of the previous generations. I know they are looking. I can't say if they will be the generation that leads us to revival. I do have my hopes.

God works through revivals. I have read of His works throughout history. He keeps a remnant praying until He brings His revival.

I am committed to being part of that remnant. I am and will continue to pray for God's revival to sweep through the world. I will continue to seek Him. He is my hope.

I know there are others of you who are doing the same as I. I want to encourage you to continue. God will send revival. Let's live fully committed life to our Lord. Let's pray for God to send revival. Let's look to see His works among us now.

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