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Monday, August 2, 2010

Quit the Job You Hate

I went into Wallytown this morning and asked the lady who was checking me out if she had just started her shift. She was not smiling. She said she had been there two hours and had six hours left. She said, "I can't wait."

I suppose she could be an aspiring actress who has taken this job until she gets her big break, but I doubt it. This is her terminal job. This is all that she will do. She has taken this job because it was the easiest thing to do. She doesn't want to work her way up the ladder. She just wants to get off work and go home. She needs to quit and get a job she loves.

Many people tell me, "O, that's not easy." Of course, it isn't easy. She already took easy! Easy is not having to study. Easy is not having to stay up late at night doing papers. Easy is not having to fill out job applications. Easy is not taking tests. Easy has gotten her a job she hates. Easy is going to keep her exactly where she is for the rest of her life. Easy is the road to hell in eternity. Easy is the road to hell on earth.

I suppose easy will keep you fat. Easy will keep you unhealthy. Easy will keep you in a rut. Easy will be your undoing.

So, what would you really rather be doing? How has God gifted you? What are your talents? Take an assessment. Change what you are doing if you are not using what God has given you.

Think about it! Do you think that God would give you spiritual gifts and talents and expect that you would never use them? It is God who is at work in you. Let that work become you. Quit the job you hate and get the job you love.

Philippians 2:13
For it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

1 comment:

CliffwalkerX said...

If people would just do this just think how much better economies we'd have, how different they would be. I can imagine but is so far fetched and so far from the TRUTH, which if the world lived by wouldn't be in this mess!