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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Doing the Lord's Will

 April 17, 2024


Do you ask yourself what can I do for God or how has God invited me to join Him? Which of these is the pattern we see in the Bible?

Noah was minding his own business when God came to him. He commanded Noah to build a huge boat that would save mankind and the animals. Moses was tending sheep when God got his attention with a bush that just didn't burn up. He commanded Moses to be the one who would lead His people out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Gideon was threshing wheat when an angel of God contacted him. He was the lead his people against the Midianites.

On the other hand we see Joseph saving his people from a famine through extraordinary circumstances without a direct command from the Lord. David challenged Goliath with no recorded express command from the Lord. Rahab had no command from the Lord when she helped the spies entering Canaan. 

It appears that people join God in His will by faith that may or may not be preceded with a command. The commands some receive are implied commands at best. Faith is key to doing God's will.

The problem that many have is that they slap faith on just about everything they do.  Business people say it is by faith that they make business decisions. Churches claim that it is by faith that they borrow money to build their buildings. Pastors claim that it is by faith that the church grows even though they are copying the methods of another church. Individuals claim that it is by faith that they believe God provides even when they have misused their money.

God still speaks to His people. They still know His voice. They still follow Him by faith. No matter whether it is by direct command or not, following the Lord is paramount. It isn't what can I do for the Lord, but what am I to do that the Lord has for me? He has prepared all that He has for me before time began. My responsibility is to listen, watch and respond to His will.

Prayer is essential if I am to be in a place that God will reveal His will for me. A renewed mind is essential to interpret God's commands. Ephesians 5:17 says that it is foolish not to know His will. It is foolish because fools don't follow the Lord.

So, walk in the Spirit so that you will be exactly where you are supposed to be. When the Lord calls it will be evident to you. He may speak directly or He may indicate through circumstances, other believers or His Word what you are to do. You and I, we, were created for this.

Ephesians 2:10 (NASB 2020) 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

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