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Friday, July 19, 2024

Why Do Only Some Come to Christ?

 July 20, 2024


Everyone should trust in Jesus and come to know Him. It seems like so much sense to me. Of course, I am on the other side of this equation. I have come to know Him and want others to know Him. Some will and some won't. Some will criticize me for wanting them to know Him. They might come up with outlandish reasons for my desire. They may even make me the villain in the story. It might be because of my pride or something else I would get out of their relationship with Christ. This, too, makes no sense to me.

It always amazes me to see people who come to Christ. They will hear the same message as the people who sits next to them. They trust in Christ while the others walk away unaffected. There doesn't seem to be a pattern. The ones who trust in Christ are neither better nor worse than those who don't. They are no more desperate either. Somehow, they are convicted by the Holy Spirit of their sins and seek relief. They know they are lost and need direction in their lives. 

My only explanation is that those who will not trust in Christ have determined not to trust in Christ. They see trusting in Christ as a failure. They see it as superstition. They see it as being left out of where they would like to go in life. They see it as squeezing all the fun out. Since they don't want that, they don't want Christ.

Often, I read newspaper articles that tell what people hate about Christians. These articles are very narrow minded. They claim that all Christians do what the articles are about. That is ludicrous! People like to categorize. It makes them think life is more stable if they can understand it. But saying that all people of anything makes no sense. You might as well say that all rich people are  full of pride and all poor people are humble. Shouldn't we all know that this makes no sense?

Yet, I don't think it is the negative press that is keeping people from Christ either. Surely, some Christians have been so hypocritical that no one would trust in Christ because of them. Yet, there are those trying their best to walk with Christ. They project the image of a true Christian. Their examples win some to Christ while others remain determined to reject Him.

I honestly believe that many Christians don't care if another person is baptized in their churches. I honestly believe that many Christians have never seen one person come to Christ because of their witness. I honestly believe that seeing people come to Christ isn't in their top twenty things they want in life. Why do I believe this? Where are the tears? Where are the prayers? Who is calling out for God to bring their friends and family to Christ? The funny thing is that most people will feel guilty and share Christ with someone and have their guilt relieved. What we all must do is determine as strongly as those who don't know Christ to know Christ fully. If we are as determined as they are in our seeking His face, we will be so changed that we will see people come to Christ.

Yes, some people come to Christ because of a message. Many others come to Christ because of a testimony. Yet, some will still not believe. They remain a mystery to me.

Luke 11:27–28 (NASB 2020) 27 While Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that carried You, and the breasts at which You nursed!” 28 But He said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and follow it.”

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