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Monday, July 22, 2024

Almost or Always

 July 23, 2024


If you almost catch the bus, you are left standing on the sidewalk. If you almost passed the test, you failed. If you almost caught the pass, it went incomplete. Almost may be close but it also negates the accomplishment.

Avoiding all the almosts in life is not possible. That doesn't make all things impossible. It just makes perfection in everything impossible. Most people believe that sin is inevitable. They excuse their lives if they are almost righteous in their actions. But sin is not inevitable. It is avoidable but demands perfection if perfection is the standard.

Here are some things that you shouldn't use almost for. You should not be almost saved. This is not an accomplishment for you. It is receiving what God has for you. God wants you to be in His presence. He wants you to have a relationship with Him. He sent His Son to die to pay the price of sin so that you would not need to be perfect or even almost perfect.

You should not be almost forgiven by God. That payment for your sin has already granted you forgiveness. It is never what you do that grants forgiveness from anyone. It is found in the Person who forgives.

Your justice will not be almost complete. The full payment for the sins that you have committed were paid by Christ on the Cross. Justice has indeed been served when we consider our sin.

You have not almost received grace. God's amazing grace comes to you. You either accepted it or not. This is like a light switch. It is or it isn't. It is never almost.

You should not almost have God present. He is always present with you. You should not have God almost think of you. He is always thinking of you. You aren't  almost loved by Him. He has always loved you.

Almost is not what God has for us. God is the only One who can say that almost has never happened for Him. God has the hands of the always, not the almost.

Hebrews 7:25 (NASB 2020) 25 Therefore He is also able to save forever those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

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