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Friday, July 5, 2024

Watch Your Heart with All Diligence

 July 6, 2024


One time I went with my wife to a party hosted by a company she does business with. They rented a bar and provided food and lots of alcohol. The band was extremely loud and the crowd was singing along with them. People were acting outside of normal. They were acting like they were on spring break but they were years beyond college. Men and women were dancing wildly. Most of the people were not with their spouses. I may be wrong but I had the sense that some very bad decisions were going to be made this night. I had no alcohol, but the atmosphere of loud music and frantic people made my mind fuzzy. I sensed I needed to leave within a few minutes.

Some will say that I just don't want people to have fun. They will say that everyone there was a consenting adult. They might say that their decisions would be their decisions. Why not let them have a little fun? They have a point. Why not have some fun?

This morning I read the story of David and Bathsheba. David got up because it was too hot to sleep. He walked in the cool air on the roof. He saw Bathsheba. He inquired about her. He had servants bring her to him. Maybe David wanted to have a little fun too. But the fun got out of hand.

I am not sure that David intended for all this to happen. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. It isn't like he didn't know it was wrong. He just thought that he could go about his business. Consequences didn't allow him to do so. His fear of discovery made things worse. I am sure the palace inhabitants knew what happened. He just didn't want it to get out. After all,  they were singing his songs in worship.

David failed to do what I suspected many others at tthe party I mentioned were failing to do. He failed to guard his heart. If he had guarded his heart, he would have not given Bathsheba a second glance. You can't be expected to unsee what you have seen. You can refuse to look after you have seen. He went from poking the rattlesnakes to sleeping with them.

Though it is not a quote, I remember John Wooden saying something like: Watch your character over your reputation because your character is who you are and your reputation is just what others think of you. Character is more than having a good name. Character is deserving the good name. It must be diligently guarded. Otherwise, it can be filled with regrets.

So, watch your heart. Be careful where you are. Be aware of what you are doing. Notice where you are going if you continue to act like you are at the moment. Don't let anything like a crowd lure you into something that you wouldn't normally do.

Now, will you miss a little fun? Maybe. But it will be worth it.

Proverbs 4:23 (NASB 2020) 23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.

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