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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Trusting in God

 September 2, 2024


It seems like mega-church pastors are falling everywhere. Of course, they are just the ones that make the news. They often founded the churches. They were the only pastor that many of their people who have ever known. Mega-church pastors must be careful that they don't develop or foster a cult-like presence in their churches.

Not all of the churches dealt with the failures of their pastors correctly. Some tried to cover up these pastors' transgressions. Why would they do that?

Often, people think that they can't take action against others because they are sinners, too. The reasoning is that they see themselves as sinners judging sinners. But that isn't how judgment should work. Surely, people who have committed the exact same sin shouldn't be judging others of that sin. But when it comes to those inside the church: 

1 Corinthians 5:12 (ESV) 12  For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? 

So, saying that no one can judge others doesn't hold water in the church. 

Another reason that people may have covered up these pastors' sin is that they loved them, almost worshiped them and could not see the church continuing without them. Truthfully, they believed the future of the church was contingent upon their pastor continuing at the helm. We should never trust God's work to be done by people.

Wait, you say, are you saying that we should not trust people? No, absolutely not! I am saying that God's work is done through people often but is not dependent upon people. God used a donkey to speak in the Bible. He is not opposed to using one in the church today.

Depending on the confidence, the looks, the charisma or the leadership abilities of a person is dangerous when we are doing God's work. Every last person has feet of clay. Every last person is susceptible to falling for physical pleasures, money and pride. Those who operate apart from God's Spirit are even more susceptible. They should be covered in prayer and held accountable by someone who is walking with the Lord and accountable to someone else. Many of these pastors have no board that can observe their behavior. Many of them are miles down the road of sin before anyone notices.

The problem is that those who knew the failures of their pastors and covered up their sins have placed these pastors in the place of God. They depended on these pastors instead of depending upon the Lord. This is a problem that is common in most churches.

There have been times in the life of many churches that a one-time large gift comes in. Those in the finance committee will quickly exclaim, "We can't depend of a gift like that. It won't happen next year." They do so because they are afraid that the church will start operating apart from what they think the members will give in the next year. In other words, they are afraid the church will do what God says rather than what can be easily raised. In this case, they are not depending on God to move in the hearts of others who might give a big gift the very next year. They see this as the decision of the individual without God's prompting and working in that person's life to give the gift. They simply aren't trusting in the Lord.

That is why there is so much anxiety among Christians. We are trusting in someone or something other than the Lord. And that is why we are also so disappointed. 

Recently, a guy told me he believe God wanted him to work at a job that was going to pay him much less than he has made in the past. I told him that he had to do what God wanted him to do. It would be God's responsibility to supply his needs if he is obedient to God. Most people don't want to live like this. They would rather depend on someone or something other than God.

Psalm 20:7 (ESV) 7  Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

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