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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Do You Have a Godly Preacher?

 September 13, 2024


What should be the prevailing characteristic of a godly preacher. Of this there is no doubt. A 

godly preacher or any truly godly person should exhibit humility. It should be one of the first characteristics noticed. It will and should stand out among so many who are full of pride. So, why do I say that humility should be the most prevailing characteristic of the godly preacher or person?

There is n o way to walk with God in pride. God demands humility from those who walk with Him. He will not share His glory with others.

It takes humility to confess sins. Each of us must know that we are more than capable of sin. We continue to commit sins. Humility places our lives next to holiness. Sin glares back. There is no self-righteousness. There is guilt from the sin we have committed that grieved the Holy Spirit. There is recognition that there is a separation between us and God for He will not walk with us in our sin. So, in our great need, we confess and repent. We admit that we acted apart from God. We know we left Him. Restoration emphasizes our humility. We are humbled byGod’s grace in returning us into His presence.

It takes humility to obey. Obedience always cost something. It may cost people around you too. So, we give up time, money and even our own desires to follow the Lord in obedience. Each one of these things may seem essential before we obey. But the obedience becomes a blessing. Full obedience requires extreme humility.

It takes humility to love others like Jesus loves them. “Greater love has no man than to give his life for another,” Jesus said. Jesus told us that we are to love others as He loved them. I am sure that you can connect the dots. But we are to love others to the point that we will lay down our lives for them. This can only be done with humility.

It takes humility to worship the Lord. No one can serve two masters. You and God can’t be master at the same time. Worship is declaring that God receives the glory and honor. It declares that no one else is worthy of it. It is more than saying the words. It is living the life after the words have been said. Life must be a worship to the Lord if the person seeks to walk with the Lord.

It takes humility to wait upon God. Most of us hate waiting. We want to make something happen. Waiting on the Lord humbles us because we can’t make things happen. God acts when God pleases. God acts at the proper time. God acts with His strength. Waiting on Him reminds us that we can’t make a god-sized thing happen on our own. Waiting on Him reminds us that these acts cannot be done as we please. Waiting on Him makes joining Him in His work make sense. We see His power and give Him the glory.

Self claimed success is the enemy of humility. It doesn’t matter how good it looks or how many people say that the person is godly when there is no humility. The Church will never have humility with proud preachers. She will never be the proper Bride of Christ either.

So, if you want to know if you have a godly preacher, ask others what they think is his overwhelming characteristic. Of course, you might ask others that about yourself while you are at it.

But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

He has told you, O man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to humble walk with your God. Micah 6:8

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