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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The P's Are Keeping Us from God's Revival

 September 12, 2024


This morning I was riding my bicycle to work very early (4:50 AM). I often speak to the Lord as I ride. There aren't that many people on the road and it is dark. I asked the Lord why we weren't seeing Him work in a mighty way. (Those aren't the words I used, but they do convey my question.) He told me that it is because we trust in our P's. If that won't get a follow up question; I don't know what will.

The first P is programs. We create elaborate programs that will revolutionize our churches. Surely, this will bring the people in. Surely, we will be looking for chairs to seat everyone after this program. We take that program to God and ask Him to bless it. He says, "O, that is a beautiful pie. I haven't seen a more beautiful pie, but it is a mud pie and I'm not going to eat it." But that doesn't stop us. We start the program and may even keep it even though we know it is just a creation of man.

The second P is preachers. Churches are depending upon their preachers to bring their churches to prosperity. They just need a young guy with incredible charisma who will wow the populace so greatly that they can't help but leave their churches and come to their church with the new preacher. If these preachers are successful, the people make him into an idol. God has always been in the business of tearing down idols. (Just ask Elijah.) They fall and the churches are devastated. The world laughs.

The third P is people. Churches sell their properties and move to a community that is being built. It's even better if they can get their church in place before the community is built. Churches are starting new franchises in areas that will take people away from other churches. It's all about the number of people who come. They wait until they have a critical number in attendance to convince those new people that they are not fools for coming to their new church. Attendance grows.  A mighty work of God is declared at that moment. 

The fourth P is purity. Many churches are declaring that they are pure. They have doctrinal purity. Thus, there is a plethora of Youtube channels that are pointing out the churches that are impure. Of course, they mix the truth with the lies. That is the only way to get people to believe a lie. You must tell them the truth first. Some groups are resorting to excommunication of churches who won't comply with their doctrinal purity. Remember, the Pharisees tried that and missed who Jesus was altogether. They thought they got rid of Him too.

Can God use each of these things for His kingdom? Absolutely! But they will not be created by man and empowered by man. He will need to be the author, builder and sustainer if it is of Him. God must be at the center. We must join Him where He is. We must trust in Him. Otherwise, we will only have the opportunity to try to do what God desires. 

Isaiah 31:1 (NASB) 1  Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help And rely on horses, And trust in chariots because they are many And in horsemen because they are very strong, But they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the LORD!

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