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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Repentance Is the Key to Forgiveness

 February 26, 2024


None of us can undo anything we have ever done. However, we often forget our accomplishments and dwell on our failures. Many of us only listen to our criticisms and disregard our compliments.

I went to visit a country music song writer a long time ago. He wasn't at home because he had gone to Nashville to sell some new songs. His wife said, "We've been living on his last hit for too long." This happens to anyone whose last great accomplishment was their claim to fame far beyond its shelf life. Reasonable people know that living on your accomplishments too long is unreasonable.

Yet, there are many people who believe that beating themselves up for their sins is the righteous thing to do. They believe that self flagellation will result in some sort of absolution. Since it doesn't, they beat themselves up forever. Sometimes reasonable people don't know that this is unreasonable. Some of them are doing this to themselves.

So, today I am reading this scripture:

And Jesus answered and said to them, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners.”” (Luke 5:31–32, NASB 2020)

The light came on and I realized something I should have realized a long time ago. The key to forgiveness is repentance. The reason we continue to feel guilty is because we expect to undo the things we have done wrong to realize our forgiveness. That will never happen. It is in the past that can never be changed. What we have right now is a realization that repentance is the evidence of forgiveness.

Jesus said in relation to sinners that He didn't come to heal the healthy but the sick. Healing means that you no longer have the effect of the sickness. Repentance is no longer having the effect of the sin.

In other words, we have not realized our forgiveness if we continue in our sin. The fact that we aren't doing what we did before is realizing our forgiveness. We can say confidently, "I know that I am forgiven because I don't do that any more."

Now think of what was said when people were urged to be saved from their sins. 

   “Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38, NASB 2020)

Repentance is necessary for salvation. It turns from the sin because it is forgiven. Once we repent we are free to follow the Lord without the encumbrance of our sins.

So, if you are one of those who beats himself up for the sins of the past, rejoice in the fact that you have repented of those sins. Know that you have been forgiven for you would not have the Holy Spirit in you if you didn't. Know that He is moving you away from a life of regret to a life of hope.

Repent for you have been forgiven.  

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