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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Living Like the Lord Will Return Today

 March 13, 2024


I am a planner. I love to plan what the future holds. I would plan for the Lord's return if I knew the date. But I don't know when. No one who knows when. So, I must live like His return will be today.

Doesn't it seem strange that there have been many people who have predicted the Lord's return throughout history? They stir up the people. Some of their followers have sold all they have and gave it away right before the predicted date. They proved their faith in the date but the day comes and passes without the Lord's return. 

I just read the Parable of the Virgins:

Matthew 25:1–13 (NASB 2020) 1 “Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the groom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. 3 For when the foolish took their lamps, they did not take extra oil with them; 4 but the prudent ones took oil in flasks with their lamps. 5 Now while the groom was delaying, they all became drowsy and began to sleep. 6 But at midnight there finally was a shout: ‘Behold, the groom! Come out to meet him.7 Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps. 8 But the foolish virgins said to the prudent ones, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.’ 9 However, the prudent ones answered, ‘No, there most certainly would not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the merchants and buy some for yourselves.’ 10 But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the groom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. 11 Yet later, the other virgins also came, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open up for us.’ 12 But he answered, ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 Be on the alert then, because you do not know the day nor the hour.

The prudent virgins brought extra oil in case the groom was late. The others predicted when he should come. They did not have the oil needed to keep their lamps burning. This parable is not about what oil represents or falling asleep. It is purely about being ready for the Lord's return. It tells that there will be a day when the door to the kingdom of heaven will be shut. Those on the outside cannot get in because the Lord doesn't know them. They have never been His.

All of the virgins were surprised at the grooms coming. All of them had fallen asleep. But five of them were prepared for a late arrival. These are the ones who were admitted to the wedding feast. 

The Lord could come today. Those who do not know Him will not be meeting Him in the air. I am sure that some will come up with a scientific explanation for the event. They will soothe their fears with an assurance that science can explain this. Others will come to the realization that what they learned at one time was true even though they, themselves, had not trusted in the Lord. They will know they have been left behind.

So, I will use each opportunity the Lord gives me today to tell those who will listen about the salvation of the Lord. Salvation is a work of the Lord. Giving out a testimony for the Lord is my job. I want, as the Lord wants, all to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. I want others with me when He returns.

I must live like the Lord will return today.

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