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Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Superior Christian

 December 30, 2024


1 Corinthians 3:4 (ESV) 4 For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not being merely human?

There has always been a desire to be superior to others. Two of Jesus disciples asked to sit on His right and left side when He came into His kingdom. They sought status. The rest of the disciples weren't so happy with their request. That maybe because they also wanted those positions.

Things aren't any different now. People will join a certain church because of the status of that church. They will brag about the size, the theology, or any other thing that gives them a leg up on other churches. They will state who the pastor is based on his fame. They will claim that they are the only ones doing the Lord's work. They are acting in a very immature way. They are acting like people who don't know Jesus.

People who know Jesus may love their pastors, their churches and even the ministries their churches provide. This is only natural. However, they should never see that they are more pure or of a greater status because they are part of their churches. 

Some church growth models teach that a church should market what makes them different from other churches. So, churches spend untold hours trying to come of with a mission statement and motto that will draw people in. There is only one mission statement and motto for all churches. It is found in the Great Commission. We make disciples.

Some churches say they are seeking to be a multi-generational or multi-ethnic church but that can't be the center of the mission. Any church that doesn't have discipleship as its main goal misses the point of the Great Commission. This doesn't mean that a certain area can't be focuses on. Surely, making disciples must be done locally. This will not divide church but can unite them when each one is trying to make disciples. 

Not so long ago, a church of the same ilk as ours tried to plant a church across the street. They had asked a faction of the denomination where to plant a church and that was the best place because, they were told, that a good church is needed there. Of course, this is marketing and human understanding. It is immaturity at the highest levels of leadership. I cannot believe God will bless such immaturity. In the end, the planting church withdrew because, I believe, they realized the  ungodliness and wanted to be godly. They had no desire to "put us out of business." Praise God for them and their pastor.

Yet, when the flesh prevails, there will be jealousy and strife. 

Therefore, we all need to admit that we are not the most righteous, the most loved by God nor the most coveted by others in our position with God. We are bond-servants rather than lords. We are followers of Jesus Christ rather than the idols of others. 

We must watch ourselves. The flesh has a way of sneaking up on us and declaring that we are superior.

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