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Monday, October 14, 2024

The Stuck Record of My Christian Life

 October 15, 2024


Many people are rediscovering vinyl records. They claim that they give a superior reproduction of the music that is recorded on them. My ear can't tell the difference but I am sure that some can. I remember vinyl records as getting scratchy. They could be broken. They would skip. And they would get stuck. Often, my Christian life seems like it gets stuck.

A stuck vinyl record would play the same groove over and over. I seem to repeat my mistakes and sins over and over. I know better but I get distracted. I know better but I get too emotional. I know better but I get filled with myself. Yes, that last one continues to be played over and over.

The problem is that I can't hold yesterday's filling of the Holy Spirit in. Yet, I act as if I don't need to be filled today. When I look at the scripture that commands me to be filled with the Holy Spirit, I see that the "be filled" is in the present tense. It denotes continuous action. 

You can't fill up a balloon forever. If you continue to fill it, it will pop. That would be true for a tire on your car, too. However, if the tire has a leak, you can continue to fill it at a rate that will not cause it to explode. The trouble I have with being filled with the Spirit is that I leak so badly that I must continually be filled. Yesterday's filling won't last until tomorrow.

So, right now, again, like I have done so many times before, I must say, "I am willing, Holy Spirit, for you to fill me." I want to be filled one more time. I don't want to forget that I leak. I want to continue to seek the Lord in this.

Maybe the next time the record comes around I won't be stuck. I will realize that I didn't lose the Holy Spirit but I was far from full.

Is that how you are too?

Ephesians 5:18 (ESV) 18  And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 

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