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Monday, October 7, 2024

Does God Still Do Miracles?

October 8, 2024


Have you ever wondered why we don't see the miracles that occurred in the Bible? Some have said that this is because God no longer needs to do miracles after He sent His Son. Some have simply said that after the completion of the New Testament, the miracles were stopped. It is really hard to find scripture that supports those ideas.

Do you believe that God could still do the same things He has done in the Bible? Isn't that what we are asking Him to do when we pray for the sick? Aren't we asking Him to heal? Aren't we asking Him to change the expected outcome when we ask for provision? Aren't we asking for the unexplainable? So, why so few times do we hear of miracles today? Let's examine a couple of facts.

Jesus did not do many miracles in His home town.

Matthew 13:58 (ESV) 58  And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.

Their unbelief kept Jesus from performing miracles. Does Jesus lose His power when people won't believe? The answer is, No! So, let's examine another scripture.

Isaiah 42:8 (ESV) 8  I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols.

People who will not believe in the works of God will deny that the miracle happened as long as they can. They will find another reason that excludes the possibility for a miracle to explain what happened. God acts for His glory. He will not act when it will simply be discredited.

I went to a lecture by a neurologist a few years ago. In the question and answer time I told him the story of one of our church members. That member had been called to a hospital because his sister had shown no brain activity for several days. They called the family together so that could say goodbye. They all gathered by the bed, prayed and sang a hymn. Then, the time came to turn off all the machines that made their loved one appear to be alive. (This sometimes takes a bit.) In the middle of the night, she woke up and told the hospital staff that she was hungry.

I asked the neurologists if he could explain that. He said, "They didn't know how to read the machine that monitored brain activity." Really?! No one at the hospital knew how to read the machine. It didn't matter that the doctor who was caring for her cried when he saw her alive. It didn't matter that all the hospital staff were praising God for a miracle. This neurologist knew more than anyone else. He couldn't bear to say that he couldn't explain how something like that could happen. He wouldn't even entertain the idea that a miracle could happen. Do you really think that God will share His glory with that neurologist?

Our lack of belief doesn't take away God's power. Our lack of belief denies God the due glory because of His power. So, God refuses to act with miracles when there is so much unbelief.

I still believe in miracles. I have seen more than one cancerous tumor disappear overnight. I have seen couples have children who were told it was impossible. I have seen provisions of money arrive at exactly the right moment. I have seen miracles! 

On the other hand, I don't believe God needs to perform for me. He is still God and chooses when He will act with a miracle. God can still do all that He did in the Bible. So, praise Him right now, whether you receive a miracle or not. He is still the Almighty.

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