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Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Children of God

 August 30, 2024


I hear people say that everyone is a child of God. That is true if you are speaking of creation. Everything and everyone was created by God. However, there is a designation of being called children of God, too.

John 1:12–13 (NASB 2020)12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of a man, but of God.

This designation has a spiritual supernatural element. We so often tell people that by praying a prayer they will become the children of God. A prayer is not mentioned here. Faith is required rather than a prayer even if a prayer will help focus the faith. John said that "as many as received Him." This lets us know that Jesus is seeking to be received. 

Revelation 3:20 (NASB 2020)20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

He stands at the door waiting. He asks to come in. He does not force His way. So, there is an element of our our spirits allowing the Lord to come in. Of course, that could never happen if the Lord wasn't waiting to come in.

John further tells us that receiving Him is believing in HIs name. This is far beyond believing what His name is. In other words, we may believe His name is Jesus but that does not indicate that we have believed in His name. This is only identifying Him. Believing in a name means so much more. Believing in Jesus' name is complete submission to who He is. He is Lord whether we treat Him as Lord or not. Believing in His name is submitting to Him and allowing Him to be our Lord. In other words, people can call Him God but not submit to Him as God. If they do, they have not believed in His name.

This is not like natural birth. We did not take any conscious action for our own birth. We do not will our own salvation. God manipulates the universe to see us saved. He sent His Son without our approval or help. Jesus became the sacrifice for us with our rejection of Him. He was resurrected with no help from us. God is always causing things to happen to bring us closer to Him. He was doing so before we became children of God. Yes, God was using others to bring us to Him. He is using us to bring others to Him to Him now. He is working and waiting to call others His children. 

The Christian world laments in the fact that less and less people overall are attending church. I have another idea. Less and less believers are truly followers of Christ. Less and less ever tell a soul about Christ. Less and less care whether others receive Christ. 

Unfortunately, we can't change human nature. But followers of Christ reject the human nature that refuses to accept our own calling to be those who bring others to Christ. This doesn't seem to be a topic that I hear very often spoken about. It isn't popular to tell people that followers of Christ reach people for Christ. The children of God must step forward to reach a new generation of the children of God.

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