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Monday, September 23, 2024

When People Leave Your Church

 September 24, 2024


Every pastor I have know, myself included, has seen members leave to go to other churches. I suppose it would be great if they were going to start a ministry there or be a part of church that needed revitalizing, but they aren't. They are going because others are going there. They are going to be "fed." They are going to join the excitement. They are going to get their kids in an exciting program. They are going because they don't want to be where they were.

Most pastors grieve over every person who leaves. It is discouraging. It isn't unusual. Even Jesus had people leave Him.

John 6:66–69 (NASB 2020) 66 As a result of this many of His disciples left, and would no longer walk with Him. 67 So Jesus said to the twelve, “You do not want to leave also, do you?” 68 Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. 69 And we have already believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.”

Jesus had just delivered a message that was hard for these former disciples to swallow. Peter pointed out that they didn't realize what they were leaving. Pastor, if you are truly preaching the Word of God without shying away from the difficult passages, you should be encouraged because you have joined the ranks of Jesus who also had people leave Him when He preached the hard truth. Staying during the dry periods, when the truth hurts is the true test of a disciple. It matures the disciple because it causes him to appreciate what he has rather than simply looking for what he doesn't have.

I have been on the other end too. I have seen people come to my church because they were disgruntled about something in their former church. I have known that there was a pastor who grieved when they came to the church I pastored. I know these pastors preached the Word of God, too. Swapping members does nothing to grow the Kingdom of God.

There is no way I know that will keep people from leaving. It is inevitable. You can do things that will keep them and they will leave. You can do nothing to keep them and they will leave. The key is doing the right things no matter what they do. Keep preaching God's word. Keep being a disciple of Jesus and making disciples for Jesus. Keep your eyes on the Lord.

Yes, keep your eyes on the Lord.

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