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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Is God Reliable?

September 30, 2024


It seems that heresies never go away. The problem isn't that they are so wrong. The problem is that they are so convincingly right. Just today, I saw an article on the internet lamenting the number of heresies that are currently taught and preached in churches. Some of these are hundreds of years old. I have personally heard some of these heresies preached. The average Christian didn't even know they were heresies. They, like the Greeks before them, love new teaching. However, its just old heresy given new life.

One of these that hits the Sunday School more than the pulpit is the idea that God doesn't really know the future. Therefore, He allows sin because He didn't know it would happen. Also, tragedies are a complete surprise to Him. These supporters of Open Theism believe they are defending God by giving Him a pass on the horrible events that sometimes happen in the world. They do not realize that they have also made Him very unreliable. This "theology" allows for the possibility that none of the things that are revealed in the Revelation of John may happen. God could simply get caught off-guard and have His plans completely changed.

Those who espouse this belief think they have solved the whole problem of evil. How did a holy God allow evil to enter His creation? Simple. He didn't see it coming. These heretics will use scriptures to prove their point. God asks where Adam is after the fall. Didn't He know? God asks Elijah why He was in such a funk. Didn't He know? They cannot understand what confession really is. I guess they think it is telling God the things they did without Him knowing. They think God is making up all that He does as He goes along through history.

Of course, they must deny scripture. In fact, they can deny scripture because a God-breathed scripture can't be relied upon when He isn't omniscient.

Thank God (literally), they are wrong! God does indeed know it all. He does indeed know what it going on in every heart. He does indeed know every word we say before we have uttered even one. He does indeed have plans for us that He can carry out. He does indeed use every event in our lives to bring about our good. He weaves the bad so that a good result occurs for those who love Him. He always tells the truth. He never is afraid of what might happen. He is the God who is reliable.

So, you can walk with Him today in your work, school, home activities and whatever else you do today knowing He is in control. He knows what will happen and has already made plans for it. 

Psalm 147:5 (ESV) 5  Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.

Isaiah 46:9-10 (ESV) 9  remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, 10  declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,’

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