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Friday, April 5, 2024

A Time to Be Bold

 April 6, 2024


It seems that each time we watch the news that we are warned of a new fear. We are to be afraid of global warming, afraid of the weather, afraid of a recession, afraid of what we eat, afraid to go out into the world, and afraid of anything that can possibly make us afraid. Eventually, we will barricade ourselves in our homes with our solar panels for energy, water treatment devices to purify our water and let Amazon deliver food in our garages so that we don't need to go outside. We will consider ourselves perfectly safe while we are prisoners to our fears.

So, Christians have come up with a mantra: "Being in the hands of God is the safest place to be." Where did we get the idea that being in the hands of God was the safest place we could be? God Himself is dangerous. He could send you to a country where you will be persecuted and martyred. Witnessing boldly might even land you in prison in this country some day. The media push points out that less people are calling themselves Christians than ever before. Those who aren't committed will go toward the accepted values of the majority. They will join the ranks of those who will call out, "Crucify him!" to make sure they aren't in danger.

God never wanted us to live in fear. Very often, fear and faith are in opposition to each other. Either our fears keep us from acting in faith or our faith keeps us from acting in fear. However, acting in faith is always outside of what the world considers safe. 

There was a time when the safest thing was to professed your faith in Christ. You would be accepted and included in those who were praised. That time has either passed in many places or is on the verge of passing. We are getting closer to the days that resemble the first century very quickly. There may come a time when Christians are openly persecuted. Many Christians will abandon faithfully acting as followers of Jesus Christ when this happens. Many others will step up and boldly claim their faith. Fear will not rule them.

Our faith has always taken giant leaps forward under unsafe environments. Christianity is spreading in China. It spread during the days of communism in the Soviet Union. It meant a great deal to claim to be a follower of Christ when others knew that by doing so you would face a very unsafe persecution.

What did believers pray for when persecution was at their door during the first century? They prayed for boldness. They fully understood what they might happen for their faith but they didn't let their fears overrule faith. 

Amazingly, this is the reason the gospel spread so fast. It spread in a fearful environment. 

I am not saying that open persecution is eminent. I am just saying that we cannot live in fear of it. I am saying that we need to resolve right now that we are followers of Christ and no opposition from anything else will change that. I am saying we need to pray for boldness.

Acts 4:29–31 (NASB 2020)29 And now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant it to Your bond-servants to speak Your word with all confidence, 30 while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.” 31 And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.

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