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Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Value of the Kingdom of Heaven

 April 21, 2024


If I had bought $10,000 of Amazon or Apple stock in the 90s I would be a millionaire tens of times over. Of course, I didn't know that Amazon and Apple stock would take off. I didn't know that I wouldn't lose my money. I didn't know what the future was in that stock. So, I didn't and I am much poorer than I could have been.

Now, I want you to consider these words of Jesus:

Matthew 13:44–46 (NASB 2020) 44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells everything that he has, and buys that field. 45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, 46 and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold everything that he had and bought it.

Most of the people that do not know Jesus don't think the kingdom of heaven is worth anything. They wouldn't spend a cent on the kingdom of heaven. They wouldn't spend it because, to them, it looks like they would be losing on their investment. They are like I was when I didn't buy Amazon or Apple stock. It looked like I would be losing my money if I bought the stock so I didn't buy it. 

When Jesus spoke of selling everything in order to buy the field with treasure or the pearl, He was speaking of value rather than price. The problem is that many people will realize the value of something when it is too late to purchase that something. This happens all the time.

A father will regret all the hours he worked that caused him to miss his sons major activities in school. He will realize the value of that time far exceeded the money he made while working. There is nothing he can do to get that time back.

People who find themselves on the other side of death will feel the same way. They will know the value of the kingdom of heaven but not be able to purchase it. They will be like the rich man in Jesus parable that asked if a dead man would come back from the dead, their own family would purchase the kingdom of heaven and not suffer their fate. Jesus told him that if they won't believe Moses and the prophets, even a  dead man rising won't make them believe. Nothing convinces someone whose eyes are closed to the truth. More truth just won't do it.

Purchasing the kingdom of heaven is a miracle. The person faced with the choice must see the value. On the surface, it looks like a dream at best. Looking deeper is where the miracle is. It takes a child-like faith to initially believe. It takes a mature Christian to realize the value. It takes a person entering heaven to know the full value.

Yes, I wished I had bought Amazon and Apple stock. I can't do anything about that now. But I did "buy" something much more valuable than that. I have the kingdom of heaven. It has consumed me. But I can say not without a doubt, it is worth it.

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